Saturday, February 20, 2010


I opened my eyes for the first time. I saw the one who would be with me forever. She was my mother. She was the only one who was there for me to be with. She told me of her childhood where she played with her friends. For me in was a fantasy dream, as I found no one of my kind around. I always wondered why I found no one to play, jump around, run and have fun with them. I lived in a place which was once upon a time a happy world. A world of greenery, birds twittering around with their melodious voice, the muddy aroma woke up the little buds of April. But now I don’t see it anywhere, all I here is a unusual sound, a sound which I never cared for, but as my mother told, it was a sound of death, a sound that took away your skin and bones.Once my mother went in search of my father as he had not returned home since 5 days. I waited for her return. I waited and I waited but she never returned, all I heard was the same sound. This time the sound troubled me. It was the sound of cry in my head. Now I realize, it was a sound of death, a sound of bullet, a sound of the presence of a hunter. I want to live; I want to see the world my mother saw, a happy world.

Save us! We are only 1141 left!