Saturday, May 18, 2013

Beginning of a brand new journey

“Every end is a new beginning” .Today I realized the crux of this phrase.

Have you not dreamt of angels coming to you to fix your whole life by taking you into a magical world of your wish and making you fall in love with your life!? Well, some fantasies do come true! 

Lessons I learnt today.
1) You can achieve anything if you just believe in yourself.
2)”We Indians feel proud when other Indians achieve and we don’t do anything ourselves to be proud of”
3)”you are smart if you learn from your mistakes and smarter if you learn from others”.
4) Let the positive energy in you flowing, you never know how you can change someone’s life.
5) Running an NGO is not all that easy.
6) Invite challenges. Life is boring without them.
7) Your option defines your character.
8) Always associate yourself with people who have lot of positive energy.
9) Write more, read more, talk more, communicate more and that is how you learn.
10) Be honest, share regularly and crush your egos. And then see how simple life turns out to be. 

All set for this new journey :)


  1. Amazing articulation! Keep Writing!! Keep Inspiring!!! All the Best! God Bless!

  2. bright future u have :-):-):-)

  3. Keep writing Harshita..make it a habit..will help u in many ways

  4. kudos :) :) keep writing :) :)

  5. Nice work..All the best..!!
