Saturday, June 22, 2013

My lessons and experience - all about promoting education.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. This quote was truly epitomized through the best experiences of my life!!

Reading blog: Some people have made an ever-lasting impression through books. Ink-linking is like the whispers of immortality. Life is not worth if one can’t inspire another.

Video making: At times, you shouldn’t ask. Just say “Do it”! There are 3 different kinds of people. 
  • One: who are ready to help
  • Two: who will help you with a little push
  • Three: no matter what you tell them, they will never help and when they say no, it means “next one”!
Spinning inspiration: When you do the good work; you inspire thousands to achieve greatness.

Interview: When someone can start from scratch and grow to a level where the whole country knows them for their work, why can’t you?

Empty plate: I felt so happy to be using face book for a better cause.
Posters: When you stand up to do something good, people actually suggests and help you . 
Twitter: The impact that we can make in the world by using a social network site is massive. I am happy I used it to spin inspiration across globe!

Fund-raising: You are thrown out the minute you ask for money! Hard work is necessary, but what is more necessary is to pitch in the idea in the right place. 
Collecting used books: Collecting books was truly fun. When 50 people on facebook mark as “going” to the event, only 5 turn up. The art of negotiating is something that is to be learnt from your mother when she bargains with the vegetable shop keeper. It is not a skill, but an art. 
Likes and managing: Likes on facebook will increase once the posts are good. So it is very important to manage the page very well. The page manager is responsible for what is being posted, so post only positive things to make a good impact on the world.

Comments: What’s challenging is not to promote your work, but your opponent’s work. 
Teaching children: Ever did something that brought tears in your eyes?  The feeling of teaching kids who are unaware of the basic needs who treat you like a princess for having taught them something that is so basic to us is something that I fail to pen down. At the end of each session, the kids would lovingly come and hug me, take autographs, thank me a million times. I was truly touched by their reaction and innocence. They all inspired me to raise high and do something massive to the country’s underprivileged kids.

These experiences have made a great impact on me as a person. I can now face anything as that is the only solution against fear. Whatever I do, I will keep my country in my mind. Let yourself be free to learning and non-egoistic. Never worry about your results, give your full heart and soul for some work and it will yield you the best results for sure. Sleeping less in fact gave me a feeling like there were 2 days in 1 day. I learnt to stop cribbing and start doing, stand up for the change instead of sulking about it. You can manage exams, blogs, tasks and much more at the same time. Time is precious; make the best out of each second. I am responsible to the country’s growth because I now know that each individual can bring about a massive change.

My learning would not have been fun without Aditi, Anusha, Harikiran, Spoorthi and Nikhil.

I would like to conclude saying “Anything is possible if you believe! But when you believe, believe it with your full heart”

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