Monday, May 20, 2013

Experience of waking up eary for a night owl

“It’s the darkest before the dawn”. From yesterday’s session I learnt that the bad habits should be detached at the bud stage itself and not to let it reach a juncture where it holds you back firmly like the way banyan tree is held strongly by its roots. I wanted to remove the worse habit in me; a habit that made me lose opportunities, took over me, made me fail, defined me in a terrible way and today was the day for it to expire. For the first time ever I woke up at 4:30 in the morning. Yes! A girl who loved sleeping and couldn’t wake up even at 7 for any essential task ever woke up at 4:30 .I could have done this gradually, but the reason why I woke up so early was that I have always heard people say about the beautiful morning sky looks and I wanted to see the world turn bright from its utmost darkness. I related this to my own life and I thought I am at a stage wherein I am now seeing the illumination which I had never seen before or probably walked right across it without realizing its value. And this feeling is impeccable! It’s a feeling of accomplishment, a feeling like I am the princess of my world and I can achieve anything; I smiled instinctively and felt happy about myself for realizing the beauty of a morning.
As soon as I woke up, I set up some resolutions that will change my life forever now.
  • Firstly, to wake up between 5 to 6 everyday. 
  • Secondly, to read newspaper (which I never did from past 18 years). 
  • Thirdly, Believe that each day is a challenge and by the end of the day I not only have faced all challenges, but have won them!

At 9,I had my lab internals and I felt so fresh that I finished writing my program in 10 minutes, executed in 5 minutes, gave viva with full energy(here on, I am always in happy energizing inspiring mood) and my teacher also told that I looked really fresh today(life is made up of such small happy moments of attaining goals and being praised). I came out of the lab in the first 30 minutes in a 3 hour test and I perhaps over-implemented the “finish 2/3rd of the work in first 50% time” and finished 100% work in 1/6th time allotted .

It was then; the adventure began with the videos. I had read in the morning about world merit and felt proud about myself to be spreading about world merit through taking videos and illuminate people about it. I took a couple of them and some video didn’t make it into the video folder on my desktop because of heavy background noise (a lesson learnt) . 

Talking about my super exciting next task. I choose to read 3 books. One after the other.the books I choose to read are:
1)”how I braved Anu aunty and co-founded a million dollar company” by Varun Agarwal
2)“Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead” by Sheryl Sandberg.
3)”7 habits of highly effective people” by Stephen R Covey

Apart from that I read in Wikipedia about
1)Og mandino-writer of “the greatest salesman in the world”
2)Sheryl Sandberg-COO of Facebook
3)Indra Nooyi- Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo

The infinite learning process has already begun!..

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