Sunday, November 15, 2015

The graph of success

“The kinds of eagles you fly with are the eagles you become”. When all the birds go and stay in their nest when it rains, there are some eagles which go over the top of the cloud to not get drenched. There are many solutions to a problem and there are many ways to success too. But there is always just one best solution and one best way to achieve. You can either think about the obstacles you might face within you own nutshell or you can figure out ways to tackle problems emerging from your outer world too. 

There is no linear graph to success. It is only an exponential curve. Success doesn’t happen overnight but it happens after thousands of your sleepless nights. Every passing minute you spend efficiently adds to the successful future. Every failure is a new lesson .It is only after a million failures, you will value the taste of success and it’s sweeter after achieving. You learn and learn and learn but if you don’t implement what you have learnt, it’s as good as no learning at all. There is no use of talking and talking if you don’t follow and achieve what you talk. The feeling of happiness after succeeding is immeasurable. Some things spread to eternity.

You need to set your own deadlines sometimes and also meet the existing deadlines.2 very important things to meet up with the deadlines are planning and execution:
  •  1 minute of planning saves 3 minutes of execution and hence it is very necessary to plan properly and the attributes to be kept in mind while planning are time, resources, obstacles. 
  • The execution must be executed as per the plan and it is best to finish 2/3rd of the work in first 50% time. This way there won’t be any last minute panic, incomplete work, imperfection. If you only plan and does not execute, the there is no use of planning.
Plan well to achieve!

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