Saturday, June 15, 2013

Parallel world of the real world

“The beauty of nature is its parallelism”.

In this post, I would like to bring about the abounding contrast and adjoining happening in reality. World is made up of different kinds of people, aspirations, living and non-living never ending cycles and processes, beauty ,perceptions, visions, ambitions , favourites, and most importantly different needs.

While you are crying because you dint get you favourite flavour pastry, there are billions who are dying due to starvation.
While you are rebuking against the system of education, there are millions who doesn’t even know the first letter of alphabet.
While you are cribbing that your parents don’t give you enough freedom, there are lakhs of little children who are forced to work because they have to feed their parents.
While you are sulking about the poor network connection, there are crores who doesn’t even know the existence of electronics.
While you are struggling to wake up at 10 o clock in the morning, there are thousands who spend sleepless nights.
While you are looking for a promotion, there are many who are struggling to get a work to fill their stomachs
While you are trying to steal money from your own parents, some innocents are put to prison for someone else’s crime.
While you are saving a penny very carefully, you tax is being used illegally somewhere.
While you are reading this blog, a revolution is taking place. A revolution that would be filled with misery if you don’t take care and show a helping hand or a revolution that would be blissful if you stand up and strive against what is wrong!

You are the revolution maker; make a change, A better change towards a happier future.

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