Saturday, June 15, 2013

Deciding the paths of Life

“There is a parallel world running and it depends on what you are doing right now!”

While there is chaos, misery, sadness in the world on end. There is happiness, inspiration, positivity on the other end. The irony is that both the different groups lie within the same attribute. It’s up to the person as to what he wants to see and exhibit. The happy person is the one who brings out his positive side ,makes everyone around him happy, stays calm, works hard and expects less, has a smile on his face all the time, doesn’t over think, ego less, humble, generous, manages time. On the contrast, a sad person is the one who tries to suppress his positive side the moment it tries to dominate. He stays sad most of the time, has very few friends, closed, has ego, is not a helping hand, does less work and expects more, cribs most of the time.

It’s up to you to decide what you want to be. Before saying you can’t do it or the famous “it’s impossible” excuse, why don’t you give it a try? You won’t learn until you try. If you feel it’s too risky to even give a try, then your Life is truly boring and colorless. Be crazy enough to take risks, explore the world and make your life adventurous. It’s none but you will decide what you aspire to be what changes you want to bring about in the world. Learn to love what you do. If it’s not you who loves yourself then nobody else will like you for anything up do. Realize the beauty of loving yourself and how do you realize? Well, do things that you love and eventually the person you will love the most in this entire universe will be yourself. After that, watch how people fall in love with you madly. It’s only after that do you learn to value the hidden gifts you have got in life and make use of it in the best possible way.

“Life is what you make it, so stay calm and be happy”

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