Sunday, May 24, 2009


As strangers we met
Excitement, fear filled the air
Hesitant to initiate conversation
Days passed by!
Expressions of hi bye
turned hundred books of words
Formalities decreased
A whole big group
of best loving cool friends

Now all those memories
remain ever-lasting
Those classes of fun!
Passing chits
Mocking at teachers
Last bench celebrities,
attraction for teachers
Laugh, giggle, sing
did everything with them!

Many hands in one chocolate
Fights for a post of dignity
but wants no responsibility
Never ending impositions of
“I will not talk in class”
Called the out-standing student
for not submitting assignments
Mass bunking classes for sports
Fun!that was all we learnt

Little small joys
Blaming others for your fault
Slight fights of fury
getting back in less them a minute
friends for all sake!
Get back into memories
Smile innocently
The only word comes out now
I miss them all! I truly do

Friday, May 22, 2009

-------- DREAM PLANET----------

There was once a earth
Where love and harmony
took its primacy with the nature
Trees, animals, birds, insects
human! One in them
Water, mud, air
regarded as divinity.

Clear blue oceans reflecting the lucid sky
Trees with plumes of fruits
scattering out its branches wide
Dubbed to be birds abode
singing the most beautiful songs!
Blustery weather kissed the trees
danced with rejoice!

First light set in! rained with hunger
Muddy fragrance woke up
the young buds of leaves
with diamond-like dew drops
Multi-colored arch connecting far distances
ringing in the sensation of delight

It was twilight !
Red turned the whole world
waving hands to send the sun
Orange turned the white clouds
Birds flying home!
The most wonderful sight of all

Sun dozed off .moon set its light
Deep blue was the world
Clear skies ,pleasant breeze
Glittery Stars peeping throughout
Depiction of rabbit on moon
It truly was a dream planet!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Country knew only peace
Loving people
Humanity, peace was the religion
Harmony all over
Corruption! They knew not
Their innocent hearts
Knew only bliss

There in 1947
Set a motion of
Independent thinking,
Freedom for everything
Everything was absolutely fine
Only until the undeserving came in power!

Their ambition, inspiration
Their intention, their aspirations
Everything began with wealth
It was no more like before
Everything changed since then

people forgot the denotation of peace
Though everywhere it said
equality prevails
they themselves built a gulf
between rich and poor
Jealousy, distrust
hostility, desolation
Took its supremacy everywhere

A change
People pleaded
Their heart filled speech
While they dozed off deeply
Something not to be proud off
They made a change
With more cruel heart and thoughts
Happiness , bliss
Peace , humanity
That was all people begged for!

Having the best scholars in the world
It is still with the gerund ‘ing’ in it
For they never support the real uphill struggle
clever make their way somewhere else
Because of such a ghastly rulers
While the real powers
They know not how many are dying
besieged, howling
It is just a movie for them all

But people now know what world is!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Locked up inside
conflicting thoughts
fluctuating feelings
inaccessible aspirations
ever-changing illusions
mixed dreams!
Begin to transform the dreams to reality
Negative thoughts restricts!

Open the doors of your mind
Look around.
The real world!
World with selfless hopes
Take a step with positive thoughts
Never look back
Till you reach your destination
Then do you feel proud
Openness and challenge
You are born with it!
Your dreams n aspirations
Is no more a distant dream

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Pieces of thoughts
appear and disappear
With a notion of confusion
trapped between self respect and world
give up one
to acquire another

Everything begin with U
Me , my world , my life!
Yet bit of relationships do matter at times
Family , friends , love, relatives
A pure connection over love for yourself
Confession, obsession
Beings to dominate
Lose you self-esteem!

Ever-changing people
With a tint of hatred, envy, pessimism
unconstructive thoughts do creep into mind
only then you realize
you rule your world
not a speck of any connections matter
lose your world of connections!

Mind crooked up with random thoughts
Sometimes gloomy sometimes blissful
Still you find some way out
Begin to modify n set things straight
Land up either successful
Or a hope to succeed
That was what you called LIFE!!