Friday, May 22, 2009

-------- DREAM PLANET----------

There was once a earth
Where love and harmony
took its primacy with the nature
Trees, animals, birds, insects
human! One in them
Water, mud, air
regarded as divinity.

Clear blue oceans reflecting the lucid sky
Trees with plumes of fruits
scattering out its branches wide
Dubbed to be birds abode
singing the most beautiful songs!
Blustery weather kissed the trees
danced with rejoice!

First light set in! rained with hunger
Muddy fragrance woke up
the young buds of leaves
with diamond-like dew drops
Multi-colored arch connecting far distances
ringing in the sensation of delight

It was twilight !
Red turned the whole world
waving hands to send the sun
Orange turned the white clouds
Birds flying home!
The most wonderful sight of all

Sun dozed off .moon set its light
Deep blue was the world
Clear skies ,pleasant breeze
Glittery Stars peeping throughout
Depiction of rabbit on moon
It truly was a dream planet!