Saturday, May 9, 2009


Country knew only peace
Loving people
Humanity, peace was the religion
Harmony all over
Corruption! They knew not
Their innocent hearts
Knew only bliss

There in 1947
Set a motion of
Independent thinking,
Freedom for everything
Everything was absolutely fine
Only until the undeserving came in power!

Their ambition, inspiration
Their intention, their aspirations
Everything began with wealth
It was no more like before
Everything changed since then

people forgot the denotation of peace
Though everywhere it said
equality prevails
they themselves built a gulf
between rich and poor
Jealousy, distrust
hostility, desolation
Took its supremacy everywhere

A change
People pleaded
Their heart filled speech
While they dozed off deeply
Something not to be proud off
They made a change
With more cruel heart and thoughts
Happiness , bliss
Peace , humanity
That was all people begged for!

Having the best scholars in the world
It is still with the gerund ‘ing’ in it
For they never support the real uphill struggle
clever make their way somewhere else
Because of such a ghastly rulers
While the real powers
They know not how many are dying
besieged, howling
It is just a movie for them all

But people now know what world is!


  1. i certainly do n m glad u think on d same lines as i
    we wid our poetry can make other countries on India cry
    pass on d message pass on your views
    slay the negativity inside our few

  2. wowww
    this truly depicts indian n politics
    well put. the best of all!
