Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Pieces of thoughts
appear and disappear
With a notion of confusion
trapped between self respect and world
give up one
to acquire another

Everything begin with U
Me , my world , my life!
Yet bit of relationships do matter at times
Family , friends , love, relatives
A pure connection over love for yourself
Confession, obsession
Beings to dominate
Lose you self-esteem!

Ever-changing people
With a tint of hatred, envy, pessimism
unconstructive thoughts do creep into mind
only then you realize
you rule your world
not a speck of any connections matter
lose your world of connections!

Mind crooked up with random thoughts
Sometimes gloomy sometimes blissful
Still you find some way out
Begin to modify n set things straight
Land up either successful
Or a hope to succeed
That was what you called LIFE!!

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