Thursday, May 23, 2013

Things to learn from people around you

“If you were never rejected, then you never asked for anything”

I spend the whole last night thinking what to gift my friend .I wanted to gift her something different, something productive and useful. I was going through internet and I rightly knew what to give her. The day started off by wishing my closest friend and giving her a very special gift, something that is close to my heart and relevant to my dreams. I gifted her 2 plants. She thanked me for giving her such a wonderful gift and she said that it was the best ever gift she had ever got! It made me happy to see my dear friend be a part of my dreams of making “Namma Bengaluru” greener.

“Set a limit line and ensure no one crosses it”. You won’t have value if you don’t cut in boundaries in your life. You look around and there are millions of things that inspire you. Look at the friends around you. You could learn so much from them. Here are the list of things I learnt from my friends

I leant from Aditi to be caring at any point in time not to lose patience and never give up!
I learnt from Aishwarya to concentrate at one work at a time and to excel in it and move to the next one.
I learnt from Anusha to be sportive, energetic and ask for something if you don’t know to work it out.
I learnt from Bhavava to manage multiple important tasks at a time and to dream Big.
I learnt from Harikiran to overcome the fear and the only solution is to face it.
I learnt from Nikhil to embed in you the helping nature, great articulation skills and to be honest.
I learn from Rajath that nothing is impossible if you believe you can do it.
I learnt from Spoorthi to thank everyone and appreciate everyone for even the small achievements.
I learnt from Manju to get over your bad habits and to use as much time as possible

This is the best group I have been with and I truly believe that these people will remain in my life till the end.

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