Friday, May 24, 2013

Learning from the successful people

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” authored by Mr. Stephen R. Covey is the novel that I chosen to read next. Let me explain why this book instead of numerous books which give a details description about how major Organizations were formed, about the life of the founder on a personal and professional level, S.W.A.T analysis  of the company and so on, I chose this book because I feel people are the center of every achievement till date and like Antony Robbins – author of Unlimited Power and Awake The Giant Within- says “ fundamentals are the key to success” and I strongly believe that understanding the habits of effective people are the fundamentals that a budding achiever has to start with. Once I am done with this book, I would definitely read about the great minds that have changed many lives. But right now it is this one and I hope I learn as much as I wish I could.

Well, let me pen down the habits that I think are the most fundamental of highly effective people so that I can compare once I finish reading the book. According to me the habits of highly effective people are:

1.    Empathetic to people, One who strives for greater good and for symbiotic relationships
2.    Smart worker (combination of goal orientation, long term strategist, great planner and dedicated person)
3.    Great networking skill holder
4.    Ingrained with great value system
5.    A Continuous Learner
6.    Patient (with people, situation, wait for success)
7.    Someone who carves out a better and higher form in future after every failure.

I would like to call it Harshitha's Prediction of 7 habits of highly effective people ;)  :P

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