Sunday, May 19, 2013

Innocence of a child

“It’s not gonna be easy, but it’s gonna be worth it”. It’s one of those times where you’re just moving forward and there is no stopping you, it’s either because your simply scared of your past and don’t want to look back and run towards absolutely nothing or just that you brought back the child in you and you undoubtedly believe that CHILD stands for Carefree, Honest, Innocent, Lovable and Determined which places you at the winning edge.

There is a little part of everyone that will never grow up. Don’t we all still feel happy when we get a chocolate unexpectedly , finish a painting all by yourself, try out something new, go on a roller coaster ride, meet new friends? But we are become adults when we say it’s impossible even before trying, fear everything, hold ourselves back to anything foreign and that is where the child in us vanishes and we stick ourselves in the frame of failure. So be a child in everything you do if you want to achieve.

Wonderful Lessons I learnt today:
  1.     If you want to be a leader, be courageous, happy, intellectual, open minded and extra determined. Biggest thing is to ask yourself “WHY”. Only when you know why, you can accomplish it in the best possible line of attack.
  2.      Don’t ask the mentor why, ask him how. There is no way he is asking you to do something that’s not worthwhile.
  3.   Child philosophy application: Try before you say it’s impossible. don’t give up easily or don’t give up at all.
  4. Make your own deadline, decide deadlines immediately and be ultra serious with them. Its only then that we actually do something. Example: last minute studies during exam wherein there is so much pressure, tension, workload and the end results ranges only from bad to worse.  
  5.   Achieve consist consistently. You can call yourself a winner only when you win in everything you pitch in your hands into.
  6.   Get out of your comfort zone. Get comfortable with discomfort zone and move to the next one the minute the discomfort zone becomes a comfortable one.
  7. Go to sleep only when you body tells you to. Your mind is a big cheater and never let it take over. YOU control the mind and don’t let the mind control you.
  8.  Don’t be desperate, but be determined. Don’t work like your dreams will be accomplished within 30 years and expect it happen in 5 years.
  9.    If you are intending right, you never hurt anyone.
  10.   Set SMART goals. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-Bound. Be practical and realistic. Divide your target for the amount of time. Finish two-third of the target in the first 50 percent of the time.
  11. If you want to learn from a good speaker and be like one, then ask the good speaker who the good speaker is. If he doesn’t know it the best, then no one else does.
  12.   Leaders are readers and readers are leaders. So let the learning process be infinite
  13.  Always be in only one mood. HAPPY ENERGIZING INSPIRING mood.
  14. Blogging is the greatest documentation and multiple qualities are manifested so make it your daily routine.
  15.   LOVE yourself and love everything you do. If you don’t love it yourself, then no one else will like it

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