Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Read more, Leearn more!

“Understanding is a two-way street. Understand your inner-self and the outer-world will understand you, both being equal in size”.

 I finally completed “How I braved Anu aunty and co-founded a million dollar company” by Mr. Varun Agarwal. This is undoubtedly a book a person wanting to start a company should read. The author has been successful in teaching the reader about the staircase of a start-up. Every time you go against the gravity and try to move up, gravity (laziness and fear) along with the external forces (negativity) tries to pull you back.

He has explicated every step from the birth of the company to it speaking all over the world, with a massive sense of humour .It is one of those books which makes the readers stick themselves to one place thoughtlessly and compete the book without realizing a tick of a clock. The chapter name “Get busy living” is so much pertinent at this speck of time and it has come to my realization that 24 hours is extraordinarily long only if you believe that you live every minute with a purpose. I have realized how important each and every second is and you can change the world within you in a day!

I couldn’t believe I finished 100 pages in 2 hours. Well, that’s huge for a person who doesn’t sit in a place for more than 20 minutes. Firstly, it teaches one a great level of patience .secondly, instilling in a belief that a task can be completed within a day or few hours and all one needs is some determination. Thirdly, it really improves communication skills and impulsively I started using new worlds. Fourthly, it gives me confidence to speak up and express my views in a pleasant way.

At this point, my blog is viewed by 873 people out of which 663 are viewed by foreign countries and I feel so happy and I hope to improve my blogging and serve as a inspiration to many people across the world.

“A busy day loaded with lot of work, yet infinite time is spend in appreciating the beauty of every single thing like each one is your only obsession”

Below is a video I watched recently describing about how reading books can change ones life.

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