Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hectic Day! ah!

“When you start to love yourself, the world around you starts loving you”.
Today I had a very tough lab internals-“microprocessor”. I was lucky to get the first program .and my internal marks was revealed and I stand number 1 currently am going to ensure I remain in this position even for the external exam.

Last night there was too much workload. I had to meet with the LI2 company deadlines (work on raspberry pie) for which I worked from 5 to 10, write about the novel I read from 10 to 11, blog about yesterday’s activities which I wrote from 11 to 12, finish up editing of college newspaper which I did from 12 to 2.I slept after that and I woke up at 5 and studied for my microprocessor lab internals. Last night I read only 25 pages of Varun Agarwal’s “How I braved Anu Aunty and co-founded a million dollar company” and I apologize for that. I am going to promise you that I will finish reading the book tonight and start with the other 2 tomorrow. 

Today I read in Wikipedia about
1)Mark Zuckerberg,founder of Facebook
2)Marissa Mayer,CEO of Yahoo
3)David karp,founder of Tumblr
All of them are super achievers in their fields and are highly passionate about their work.

Smile a lot.It will shoo away the pain!.

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