Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Behind hard work

“You feel the heat of the summer only when you have free time to notice it. And deep triumph summer begins laziness finds responsibility”.

Some lessons seems to have sunk into me like I was born with those lessons. Every morning I wake up and find “myself”. I thought my articulation skills went down for a day, but at the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. A love for yourself, love for what you do, love for your future and now you are ready to challenge the whole world. Today, I had been to my friends treat and everyone over-ordered thinking they could finish it and in the end, a lot of food was left and no one could push themselves any more. That’s when I told them that we should pack it and each one of us should find the needy and give it to them. After a while, we gathered around and my friends seemed real fresh and a hearty joy ran through them and they couldn’t stop smiling. Teaching is the greatest act of optimism. Now I strongly feel that inspiration is running in my blood waiting to inspire many more thus making inspiration truly unlimited. I discovered the inspiring touch in me today and it made me so happy to have taught something about a social cause.To help the people below poverty level and to encourage them to go about and work was a wonderful experience. If every youth in India develop this nature, then seeing India as a developed country is much closer and will no longer remain a distant dream.

I then came back from college at around 6 and started reading my own blogs and a ray of discontentment flew over me as I thought that I could have done better. And if you feel that this blog seems better than the old one, then please do leave a comment below.

Today when I was riding my bike and wasn’t very sure which road to take as I was in a new place, a line popped into my head” There is no read to success, some are destined to succeed while some are determined to succeed”

Live every minute like there might never be another
Lose as if you enjoyed it for a change
Win as if you were used to it,
Achieve as if you were born for it!

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