Wednesday, May 22, 2013

RUN, becasue you CAN!

“The men who have succeeded are the ones who have chosen one line and stuck on it”
I read from page 28 to page 100 today. The story now sets into his start-up finally starting up. Varun along with his friend visit Tirupur-the T-shirt capital of India and finally establishes a deal with the shop-keeper and agrees to pay him once he receives the samples. Here they were, on the brink of a major decision. If they told him “yes”, they stood a chance of losing 4lahk and if they told ”no”, they went back to their insignificant lives. The shop-keeper dint seem interested but like their enthusiasm. On their way back, they thought of 2 names ”lemontee” and “backbenchers” .in between, he clearly quotes that the aunties of India have mastered the fine art of negotiation with the vegetable sellers and greatest MBA schools can learn the tricks of trade from them. The thought provoking and hearty inspiring sentences were:”if you’re so desperate for a job, then create one. If everyone foolishly limits himself to a single line of track and border himself with walls, then how is this country going to have any entrepreneurs.” They decide to sell their samples in the alumnus of bishop cottons boys’ school and sell over 500 pullovers and decide to change their company name to “the alma mater” to make it sound professional. They then set up e-commerce to spread their company far and wide. Meanwhile, he attends the interview set up by Anu aunty just to ensure his mother isn’t hurt.

“Depression is the inability to construct future whereas Enthusiasm is the supreme luxury of a better future”. You and only you govern your life and the first and the best victory is to conquer self. There is absolutely no upshot by mere sulking, cribbing and being depressed. If you want some changes, then be the change you want to see in the world. Victory is the sweetest when you have known defeat and a man may learn wisdom even from a foe. It’s important to be positive and not let the anger or the grief have power over you. Here I would like to quote a sentence from the book “The alchemist” by Paulo Coelho ;”If you aim to do something with you full heart, then the whole universe conspires into making it happen”

When you know it’s the right time, it’s the angel inside you that’s whispering and the angel is never wrong because it’s born only when you are certain you are doing the right thing. So go for it!”

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