Friday, May 24, 2013

Making a short 1 min clip video

“I am leaving now. Stop me if you want me. because remember if I leave now, I won’t come back!”-This is what ran in my mind every time a minute passed by. And I feel happy to tell that I realized the worth of every single minute today and I dint even waste a single second. I got so much involved in the book “7 habits of highly effective people” that I kept blogging every 10 pages.

 Today I helped my friend take a video for applying for Google student ambassador and wrote the script for him. It was a wonderful experience and we shot one full day for just one minute video and I have started respecting the whole movie making crew which makes a movie for around 3 hours. I understood the value of a director, background music, voice editing, crowd controller, script writer, actor, actress, and cinematographer. This is the first step towards making one of my dreams come true-movie making.
Today was yet another beautiful day and each day is getting better. 

“If you haven’t done any mistake in life, then you haven’t tried anything new and exciting.”My life has been so exciting from past one week.
Adventure continues…..

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